The Cloughjordan Community Development Association aims to protect and enhance the positive aspects of Cloughjordan village, our deep sense of history and culture, our unique diversity, our streetscape and architecture, our rural and farming background and our youth and senior citizens. We are also actively involved in planning and securing funding for the services and amenities which are lacking in the area.
Although the Association was formed in 1996, it received a significant regeneration in 2005, following the publication of the North Tipperary County Council Integrated Village Plan, a blueprint for the future planning and aspirational development of Cloughjordan. As part of the creation of this plan, a number of open meetings took place to assess the needs of the community and to discuss the future development of our village.
A series of open meetings were held in the village and the issues that were of most importance to the people of Cloughjordan were identified. These included the lack of childcare facilities in Cloughjordan, the lack of youth club facilities, the lack of amenities such as a public playground and recreational walks, lack of pride of place and poor involvement in Tidy Towns, a greater emphasis on heritage, a regular street market and annual festival.
Originally eight sub-groups were formed to focus on specific objectives. Each of these groups prioritises its own objectives and organises the necessary activities to achieve them. A representative from each group meets with the development committee on a monthly basis to ensure that all of the efforts are coordinated and that each of the groups remains active and focused.
Everyone can join these groups. All are welcome. The groups are made up of neighbours and friends and are a great way for people to get to know new people in the community. It is also a means of having people’s opinion heard about the future development of the village.
The arrival of Ireland’s first Eco-Neighbourhood development in Cloughjordan has been seen as a great opportunity for community development and growth.
Cloughjordan Heritage Group
The Cloughjordan Heritage group was formed in 2006 and since then has held regular events concerning the history and heritage of the town.
We are enthusiastic participants of the National Heritage Week which includes events such as evenings of folklore, poetry, music and stories, and visits to a Passage Tomb and Ashley Park House. Talks on ‘Fairy Forts’, ‘A childhood in the Solomon Islands’, ‘The Liberties of Dublin’ have also hosted by the group.
We have had a series of talks on Old Cloughjordan, illustrated with the old photographs of the town which had been compiled and collected when the local people brought their of family photographs for scanning and preserving for posterity. At all these occasions audience participation is encouraged.
The first MacDonagh Weekend, held to honour Cloughjordan’s most famous son, Thomas MacDonagh was held in 2009 an has become an annual event now – the MacDonagh weekend has a page of its own – click here. This three-day event is held in May covering the period of his anniversary. Guests of honour have included several members of MacDonagh’s family. Highlights included a lecture about a MacDonagh-related topic, poetry readings and art workshops, a pipe band recital and a dramatisation by Cloughjordan Drama Group.
Each year, during National Heritage week, the group hosts an event or two and the old tradition of the ‘Rambling House’ has been recreated with evenings of songs and stories hosted in a ‘traditional kitchen’ recreated for the occasion in the Parochial Hall and hosted by Fear an Tí, Seamus Costello.
We are always trying to be imaginative in our approach and recently hosted a workshop on using the internet to research family histories.
The Cloughjordan History and Heritage Group normally meets every third Thursday of the month at 8pm in Maura Graces Bar, Main Street. – check the events section for details. Everyone is welcome.
Cloughjordan Heritage vol 7. This, the seventh and largest book in the Cloughjordan Heritage series, contains a compilation of material relating to the parish and surrounding areas. It includes articles of historical interest, profiles of personalities, local heritage including families of Kyle, and a variety of reports and photos. It is now available in shops or through Cloughjordan Heritage Group, c/o Knocknacree, Cloughjordan, Co. Tipperary or Price €10. Two pieces from the previous edition, Cloughjordan Heritage vol 6, are available to read here… HODGINS: FATHER AND SON by Paddy Williams CLOUGHJORDAN AND THE FENIAN RISING by Paddy Williams Paddy Williams welcomes interest in these articles and can be contacted via the |